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We produce and convey art.

Lavangsnes is a small place in the end of a 25 km dead end, in Troms, Norway. This is where we live, work, and wish to establish a place for contemporary art.

The old school house is where we arrange art exhibitions. Art is here always accompanied with coffee and fresh baked waffles. The first floor in the school house is where we have our atelier, and anyone is also welcome to visit us between the exhibitions. In addition to this we have started to build up a sculpture park on our property, which streches from the beach line up to a svamp on 300m over sealevel. We wish the art to become part of the landscape and the panorama.

The spectators are people living here, having holiday houses here, live near by or are taking a long journey and are hungry for art - or vaffles.

Artist in residence are right now garrisoned in houses, which are placed at the disposal of our neighbours. We have a boat house which can be used as a guest atelier in summer and one can work outside on our property. We are continually working to find ways to get up infrastructure to welcome artists in residence at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.

Here we and the art reach people you usually rarely see at art exhibitions in a gallery for contemporary art in a city. The art should be able to open up space for dialogue to let in it's audience. We think that it is possible to make art more important for more people with building up a project like this at a place like Lavangsnes.

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An old agricultural plot is the starting point for the sculpture park in the cultural landscape. It stretches from a hundred meters of shoreline a kilometer up the mountain, to a marsh with a panoramic view.



The cultural landscape is being renovated and restored to arable land after having been plowed fallow since the 70s. Art takes part in the new and old landscape.


Visitors experience the art among four-legged landscapers, who keep the area walkable and the art visible.

sheep graze in the sculpture park, since 2021



At the disused school in Lavangsnes, we hold exhibitions with various artists. During exhibitions we serve coffee and waffles. We borrow the school from the village association, and it is otherwise used as a village house. On the second floor of the old school, we have our studio, where we welcome visitors between exhibitions.

We invite artists and other creatives, who live and work with us for a period. The stays result in events at the school, or in the sculpture park, such as exhibitions, unveilings or other events.



exhibition OYSTER IN THE MAKING, Sjøvegan old Prix store, 2019




Here you find information, pictures and documentary of vernissages, courses and other events at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.


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We are open for applications from artists / other creative people whose work relates to all artistic formats, writing, film, architecture or other shaping disciplines. You may apply for ordinary workstays as well as a paid cooperation. 

In 2025 we offer three ordinary residency workstays
(spring, summer and vinter) 
and one paid engagement in autumn - our cultural tandem project ”HARVEST”. 

Deadline: 01.02.2025 23:59 o'clock


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Velkommen til kunstutstilling!

Separatutstilling med verk fra Selma Köchling på skolen / grendehuset på Lavangsnes. 
Vi gleder oss til kunst, kaffe, vaffel og kunstlotteri. Gratis inngang og terskelfri adkomst. 

søndag: 1.12.2024 | kl. 13-16

ellers åpent:
tirsdag: 3.12.2024 | kl. 11-20
fredag: 6.12.2024 | kl. 09-16
helga: 7.-8.12.2024 | kl. 11-16

P.S.: er du på utkikk etter en stor
eller liten julegave? Verkene som
vises på utstilling DEKO vil være
til salg.




Åpen keramikkverksted 
på Lavangsnes

Velkommen både nybegynnere og de som har formet med leire tidligere, barn og voksne til åpen keramikk verksted på Lavangsnes.

Få en arbeidsplass på Wunderkammer ateljeet, bruk forskjellige typer leire, modelleringsverktøy og glasur. Jobb på ditt prosjekt over flere uker. Du få tips og veiledning, der det er behov og vi ordner rå- og glasurbrann når prosjektet ditt er ferdig.

TIRSDAGER i november & desember 2024
(frem til jul)
åpent verksted fra kl. 11:00 - 20:00

Vi gleder oss!





Spiselig utstilling & matperformance av Marie Donike + Johannes Specks

I sitt felles kunstnerskap undersøker Marie Donike og Johannes Specks kulturhistoriske aspekter ved kulinarisk kunst og steder for samvær.

Med utgangspunkt i Lavangsnes Wunderkammer sitt Nordskokk-prosjekt, som handler om å teste og ledsage en ny jordskokksort i skulpturparken, har de to kunstnerne jobbet i teori og praksis med formatets ulike aspekter.

Hjertelig velkommen til presentasjon av arbeidet i spiselig utstilling & matperformance (gratis)
Lørdag 12.10.2024 kl. 15

Vi møtes i Lavangsnes Wunderkammer Skulpturpark.

Etter seansen i skulpturparken fortsetter vi den kunstnerisk-kulinariske ferden til den gamle skolen på Lavangsnes (fra ca. kl. 16.00).
Grunnet matservering er det et begrenset antall plasser. Påmeldinger innen 09.10.24 ( / +47 483 95 083).

Utstillingen med vaffelservering på skolen vil også være åpent
Søndag, 13.10.2024 | kl. 11 - 16

Vårt samarbeid med Marie & Johannes
støttes av Kulturdirektoratet. TAKK

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Premiere of a documentary film about Salangen Biennale 2023 -  IF PARADISE IS HALF AS NICE #13


The participating 13 artists of Salangen Biennale 2023 - IPIHAN#13 made their temporary shared home and working space in an abandoned early 20th century iron mill in arctic Norway for five weeks. They dived into the location, the history and material of Salangsverket, the area and the landscape and transformed their impressions into beautiful, subtile, commenting and overwhelming site specific works. 


Filmmaker David Scheffler accompanied the project and those involved the whole period. After one year of refining the final version of the documentary, we are pleased to invite you to the premiere at the cinema in Sjøvegan.


Wednesday 9th of October 2024 - 18:00 o’clock 

- Kulturhuset Sjøvegan, Salangen, Troms, Norway.


Free entrance - donations welcome. You can expect a 60 minutes film in english language and subtitles. Afterwards we will have a 30 minutes panel discussion. Snacks will be served. The cinema has a limited number of seats, please do your seat reservation via email or phone to / +47 483 95 083. The cinema opens at 17:30 o’clock.


We are looking forward to seeing you and to give you insight into an artistic adventure with great producers in stunning landscape and behind the scenes.

Artists at Salangen Biennale 2023:Esther Kokmeijer (NL)Guus Vreeburg (NL)Hilde Angel Danielsen (NO)Jan Hakon Erichsen (NO)Jens Stegger Ledaal (NO)Lada Suomenrinne (FI)Maurice Bogaert (NL)Michiel Jansen (NO/NL)Pim Palsgraaf (NL)Siri Tolander (SE)Torbjörn Johanson (SE)Ties Ten Bosch (DE/NL)Willem Besselink (NL)





Send oss din favoritt oppskrift!

Våre kunstner residenter Marie Donike & Johannes Specks skal sette sammen en kokebok med deres favorittoppskrifter.

Enten det er kokt, bakt, stekt, røkt, søtt eller salt, kaldt eller varmt, ser vi frem til din favorittoppskrift.

Send oppskriften til oss på e-post innen 05.10.2024:

Takk for at du deltar!

Dette prosjektet er del av oppholdet til kunstnerduoen Marie Donike + Johannes Specks, hos Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.

ppskriftssamlingen vil bli vist sammen med andre verk, som de to kommer til å jobbe med i løpet av de neste ukene. Vi gleder oss til å bli kjent med deres oppskrifter.

Marie & Johannes og oss andre hos Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.






Arrangements rekke "Nyttelast" - del 1-3


Tusen takk for tre gjennomførte arrangementer i rekken Nyttelast. Takk til alle dere som besøkte og bidro til formatet. Spesiell takk til Eva Saariniemi for et grundig og flott arbeid med konseptet og innhold, for å inviterer til foredrag og samtale om historisk samarbeid og kulturkontakt i nord.

​Historiker Eva Saariniemi belyste samarbeid og kulturutveksling mellom folkegrupper i nord, med utgangspunkt i handelen med kvenske barn fra Sverige og Finland til Troms på 17- og 1800-tallet. Hovedfokus i arrangementene la på (1) Historisk bakgrunn og kontekst, (2) Gjennomføring, enkeltskjebner og konsekvenser og (3) Ettervirkninger og kulturell betydning. Vi serverte kaffe og noen kulinariske spesialiteter fra nord til samtalene.

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JULI 2024

Avduking av ny skulptur i skulpturparken

I juni har kunstneren Ruth Unger jobbet med en ny skulptur, i betong. Den ble fraktet til sitt visningssted på en skrent på 200 meter over havet i skogen med helikopter. Plassert er skulpturen på en stor stein som tidligere ble brukt som festepunkt for "firestrengen", en type taubane for å frakte tømmer og høy i gamledager ned til gården.

Skulpturen har vi avduket i lag med dere på søndag, den 30.06.2024 kl. 12.00. 

Tusen takk til alle som kom og gikk turen opp på stien gjennom skulpturparken i lag med oss for å feire kunstneren Ruth Unger og hennes nye kunstverk "High on a rocky ledge" med kaffe og kjeks.

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JUNI 2024

Nyttevekst-vandring & bålmat i skulpturparken med Margrethe Figved

I juni ble vi kjent med plantene vi stadig ser men sjelden bruker!

Hvilket ugress smaker som steinsopp?
Hvordan kan du skille geitrams fra forvekslingsartene?  
Kjenner du Nordens vanilje og rosmarin?

Kurset var en blanding av teori og praksis:
- Sankevett, lovverk og tips til vellykket sanking
- Sanketur hvor vi blir kjent med planter vi finner i området og hva de kan brukes til
- Vi tilberede bålmat med planter vi har sanket og spiser i fjæra i Lavangsnes Wunderkammer skulpturpark.

Kursholder Margrethe Figved er sertifisert nyttevekstkyndig. Hun driver Steinbakken gård i Dyrøy, og bruker ville vekster i egen produksjon.  

Kursdeltakerne fikk med seg oppskrifter og tips om bruksområder for forskjellige planter.  

søndag, 9. Juni 2024
tur nr. 1: start kl. 11.00
tur nr. 2: start kl. 15.00


hvilken ville vekster kan brukes?
(foto: Margrethe Figved)



MAI 2024


Gå en sti med Steinar - i Lavangsnes Wunderkammer Skulpturpark

Kunstner og brefører Steinar Laumann var tilbake hos oss på Lavangsnes i Mai!


Steinar har vært hos oss i vinter 23/24 og i mai avsluttet vi vårt samarbeid med en rekke  spaserturer i skulpturparken, hvor vi inviterte dere til å ta del i. Temaet for arrangementene var å gå sammen, finne, oppdage, legge stier eller muligheter for vei i gjengrodd kulturlandskap. 


Tidspunkt for spaserturene:

Tur 1: søndag, 12. Mai 2024 kl. 11.00

Tur 2: søndag, 19. Mai 2024 kl. 11.00

Tur 3: søndag, 26. Mai 2024 kl. 11.00



Besøkende tok med niste, tursko og egnede turklær. Turene tok ca. 2 1/2 timer, gikk oppover, i sakte tempo. Med pauser, samtaler og en felles oppdagelsesreise gjennom terrenget. Etter turen fyrert vi bål i fjæra, det ble felles grilling og kaffe.


Hvordan legger man en god sti? Er det en forskjell på hvordan dyr, kontra mennesker helst beveger seg i terrenget? Sammen med dere utforsket Steinar et potensial for sti gjennom vår skulpturpark og kuraterte en sti skulptur, landart installasjon, som kan brukes av fremtidige besøkende for å oppdage landskapet og Lavangsnes Wunderkammer skulpturparken. 


Vi gleder oss at så mange var med på turene og den nye stien "veien til veggen" som Steinar Laumann etterlot i skulpturparken.

Stien er også blitt del av "30-Trimmen", en regiolan turmål konkurranse i regionen og blir brukt av mange turgårer og kunstinteresserte.

Vårt samarbeid med Steinar Laumann er støttet av Kulturdirektoratet, tusen takk for det!





Vi gleder oss til å offentliggjøre våre nye kunstnerresidenter innen NORDSKOKK 2024:

Marie Donike (DE) & Johannes Specks (DE)

I begynnelsen av 2024 lyste vi ut vår første open call for å invitere et kunstner duo til å delta i prosjektet NORDSKOKK i sein sommer / høst 2024.


Marie Donike

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Johannes Specks




APRIL 2024

Barnas Perleutstilling!

Hvor? På den gamle skolen på Lavangsnes

(Lavangsnesveien 2193, 9350 Sjøvegan)

Hva? Vi lager en kunstutstilling med perlebilder som er laget av barn fra eller med tilknyttning til Salangen. Det skal blant annet vises et stort perlebilde som ungene på SFO har laget i felleskap. På utstillingen selger vi vafler og kaffe.

Vi vil ha med ditt perlebilde!

Vi oppfordrer deg, som er i barnehage- og skolealder til å låne oss dine perlebiler som vi kan stille ut i denne kunstutstillingen. Bruk fantasien og perl akkurat det du vil og bruk de fargene du vil! Vi tar i mot inntil to bilder fra hvert barn.

Perlebildene leveres inn på kontoret til Lavangsnes Wunderkammer i 1. etasje i Strandveien 4 („Huset mot Havet“) tirsdag 2. april mellom klokken 08.00 – 18.00 eller fredag 5. april mellom klokken 08.00 – 15.00. Merk perlebildene med navnet til de små kunstnerne, med navnelapp på baksiden. Bildene leveres tilbake etter utstillingen.

Du kan også sende perlebilde i posten til: Lavangsnes Wunderkammer, Lavangsnesveien 2088, 9350 Sjøvegan, om du ikke rekk innom for å levere dem.


Lørdag, 13. April 2024 kl. 13.00 – 16.00

Åpen utstilling:

Søndag, 14. April 2024 kl. 11.00 – 16.00

Fredag, 19. April 2024 kl. 09.00 – 16.00

Lørdag, 20. April 2024 kl. 11.00 – 16.00

Søndag, 21. April 2024 kl. 11.00 - 16.00

Spørsmål? Ta kontakt

Vi gleder oss!




AiR VÅR 2024

Ruth Unger (DE) & Kerstin Mörsch (CH)

We are looking forward to welcoming two artists in residence this spring. Ruth Unger will be with us in June working on her project "One swallow does not make a summer" in the sculpture park, supported by the Kulturstiftung Sachsen. In May, we are looking forward to welcoming Kerstin Mörsch, who will work on her projects in our guest studio.


Kerstin Mörsch - May 2024

Ruth Unger - June 2024



We have been named Salangsværing of the Year 2023! Thank you very much for this honor and kind words!


Speech by the mayor Simon Løvhaug: "In the statutes for the honorary award, it is stated that the "Salangværing of the Year" can be an individual, a team, an association or an organization that has contributed to the municipality of Salangen receiving honorable mention outside the municipality's borders. The appointment is made by the mayor at the last municipal council meeting of the year, which is on Friday 15 December. This year's list of proposals for good candidates who contribute a lot positively to Salangen society is long. There have been many to choose from this year, but the nominees are: This year's Salangværing are two people who have put Salangen on the map with their commitment, they have created experiences and an offer for the Salangen community that we haven't had too much of before. They have created discussions and debates on social media, in cafes and elsewhere where people gather. Perhaps that is the goal of what they do, namely Art!


This year they organized a Biennale where 13 artists from all over Europe lived for 5 weeks in the ruins of Salangsverket. This year we were lucky with the weather and got to experience Salangen from its best side! The biennale ended with 3 days of exhibition of works of art from Salangsverket to Storhaugen. There were many visitors from near and far, and the exhibition received good feedback! The couple have established themselves in Lavangsnes and, together with the village team out there, have refurbished and expanded the old school and have established a room where you can work with art. Here, they have now employed a person who will work alongside them in Lavangsnes Wunderkammer! This year's Salangsværinger has certainly given Salangen an extra boost in the local community and contributes to creating a sense of livability and positivity in Salangen. The events reach people far beyond the municipal boundaries. Compared to the statutes, they have contributed to building a positive reputation for Salangen far beyond the municipality, county and national borders! This year's salangsværingers are good ambassadors for Salangen, and a good illustration of Salangen and the salangsværing. This year's salangværing are the creators behind Lavangsnes Wunderkammer and Salangen Biennale, Selma Köchling and Vidar Laksfors!"




bilde: privat

Welcome Eva!

Eva Hanneli Saariniemi is a trained historian with a Finnish-Sami background and from January 2024 will work in a team with us in Lavangsnes Wunderkammer in a 50% position as an aspirant in cultural communication. We look forward to having her on the team and would like to thank the Directorate of Culture for giving Eva the opportunity to contribute her expertise in practical and administrative work in Lavangsnes Wunderkammer. We look forward to continuing our cultural work and strengthening and developing internal structures, projects and communication concepts together with Eva in the future!


"Hi, my name is Eva. Having followed Lavangsnes Wunderkammer since its inception in 2017, I am now an enthusiastic member of the team. I am a trained historian with a great interest in Northern Norwegian history in general and minority history in particular. I recently finished an engagement with the "Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonen" (The commission to investigate Norwegianisation policy and injustice towards Sami, Kven and Norwegian Finns) and look forward to combining my passion for history and cultural expression with recent art, at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer. I believe and hope that together we can create something unique!" ​


The appointment is supported by:




Edition FRAGILE av Ties Ten Bosch
(foto: Lavangsnes Wunderkammer)


Sculpture Handbag by Selma Köchling
(photo: Lavangsnes Wunderkammer)

The webshop is opened!

We are launching the Lavangsnes Wunderkammer SHOP FOR ART AND OTHER ESSENTIALS online store. ​


Since 2022, we have been working on the development of strategies for the rental and sale of artworks and performances, as well as the sale of editions that conceptually lie at the intersection between art and other realities, locally produced agricultural products that are based on Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.


We collaborate with our residents in this project. And for a pilot project we were supported by Creative Business Support from the Directorate of Culture. We hope that the store as an experience, and through its products, will give you a new opportunity to take in and appreciate art, agriculture and the creators behind it. ​


Take a look:




NOVEMBER 2023 - Event "I go for a walk with the cow" - Steinar Laumann

Thank you for a nice event with book reading, conversation and waffle cakes at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer at the old school with guest artist Steinar Laumann!

Steinar reads from the book "I go for a walk with the cow"
(photo: Vidar Laksfors, Lavangsnes Wunderkammer)


Skolen med nytt tilbygg i nysnø (foto: Selma Köchling)

WINTER 2023 - The extension to the old school will be put into full use after the building project is completed in spring 2023!

Finally, we can use the new extension with a suitably long entrance, toilet and library.

The extension has been built in collaboration between Lavangsnes Wunderkammer and Lavangsnes Grendelaget Skjold and supported with funds from the Directorate of Culture's ARENA orning.

Thanks to everyone who contributed muscles, thoughts and ideas.


Library with collection of books and school materials (photo: Selma Köchling)


The extension lights up in the dark
(photo: Sema Köchling)


AUTUMN 2023 - Shop for art and other essentials

We work with strategies for the rental and sale of works of art and performance, as well as editions, which are conceptually placed at the intersection between art, agriculture and architecture – our working areas in the Wunderkammeret. This online store is in the development phase and is continuously being furnished. We collaborate with our guest artists and are, for a pilot project, supported by the Cultural Council's "Creative Business Support". This SHOP FOR ART AND OTHER NECESSITIES aims as a concept and through its products to give you the opportunity to experience and appreciate art, agriculture and the creators behind it.


Edisjonen "Ground Control" er et samarbeid mellom gjestekunstner Paul Pretzer og oss i Wunderkammer (foto: Selma Köchling)

The series "Swans" by Selma Köchling is for loan at the local yoga studio (photo: Lone Heitmann Fløtten)


AUTUMN 2023 - Welcome Steinar Laumann!

Artist, glacier guide and sailor Steinar Laumann will spend the winter at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer. He came by sailboat from Risør to Lavangsnes. We look forward to him working with us on projects within the Wunderkammer universe and with his own artwork. The stay at Hannes We are so lucky to be supported by the Culture Directorate's Guest Accommodation Support. Thank you very much for that.


Steinar sails his boat. Photo: Selma Köchling

Welcome to the quay at Lavangsnes!
Photo: Selma Köchling



SUMMER 2023 - Clips about Art and other Essentials continues in collaboration with David Scheffler

Our work on making small films about art and other necessities that one encounters at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer continues in collaboration with filmmaker David Scheffler. How is the art made and how is it displayed? How was it seen, and by whom, here at Lavangsnes? What framework is it in? And how do the frames and the art change through the seasons?

David Scheffler about the project after a first stay in summer 2023:

“It seems quite evident:
my cinematographic observations in the Lavangsnes
Wunderkammer were strongly influenced by the surrounding circumstances.

The daily agricultural work. The preparation of firewood. Feeding the chickens. The sheep eating their way down the green slope to the fjord, right through the sculpture park.

Stillbilde. Foto: David Scheffler

I quickly realized that they must have already observed the artistic works there many times. Only rarely did they consider, for example, the bronze casting of the "German picnic" or the ropes at the second boathouse. It quickly became clear, that they had already exhausted their artistic viewing process at this location.But the apparatus of the film camera was a novelty for them. Especially the older sheep became fond of the lens after only a short time.This is just one of a few moments I was able to experience. I have initiated many comparable relationships between the view of my camera and different subjects during this time.However, to come to a satisfactory filmic conclusion, one needs to give the portrayed materia time for growing and maturing, since that is one of the strong elements in its nature and the core of the artistic research in this project.”

Still image. Photo: David Scheffler


SUMMER 2023 - Salangen Biennale 2023

This year we were project management for the Salangen Biennale 2023, the second edition of a temporary outdoor art exhibition in the ruins of the Salangsverket! You can find more information about the event at



the participants in the Salangen Biennale 2023 - IPIHAN#13. Photo: Amanda Reite


Total-art-guiding take a lunch break at the angle. Photo: Selma Köchling


SPRING 2023 - Welcome Katharina Kretzschmar!

In spring 2023, the first external artists came to take part in NORDSKOKK. Katharina Kretzschmar works in her art with thematically close areas. And her stay and work contribute to the development of routines and working methods in interdisciplinary projects that we house at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.

Quote from Katharina Kretzschmar:
"Technically, there are very different approaches in my work. Sculptures, animals, things, projections, drawings and photography serve as a repertoire for furnishing rooms. They form a growing collection that can be seen in room installations and exhibitions. In my performances, which I understand as a „service in art“, these spaces are used and become an open invitation to the audience.
If someone tells me their story for a drawing – is this a fair exchange.”


Katharina's sketches about Nordskokk.
Photo: Selma Köchling



Katharina gets to know Nordskokk.
Photo: Selma Köchling



Katharina is working on her work related to Nordskokk. Photo: Selma Köchling


AiR 2023

Katharina Kretzschmar & Steinar Laumann

We are looking forward to welcoming two artists in residence this year. Katharina Kretzschmar will have a stay in the early summer and Steinar Laumann will come in the autumn!

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Katharina Kretzschmar - June 2023

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Steinar Laumann - Oktober 2023
(foto: Elle Vagabond)


2023 will be an exciting year for Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.


In 2023, we will receive support from the Directorate of Culture for the work on interdisciplinary arena development at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer! We are so grateful and proud!

Lavangsnes Wunderkammer is a platform for dialogue between contemporary art, different disciplines and the public. In 2023, we will work on our arena profile, methods and routines for project development, implementation and dissemination. In this way, we will create even larger spaces to be able to focus on content-creating work within interdisciplinary projects.

We look forward to this work!


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With works by Selma Köchling & Vidar Laksfors

Welcome to Strandsenteret (old KLEO)

Opening: Saturday, 26.11.2022
Open exhibition: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday at 11.00 - 16.00

Free entry, coffee and biscuits are served.



We have opened a self-service farm shop by the road and signs with the opening hours of Lavangsnes Wunderkammer Skulpturpark.

You can buy fresh eggs and seasonal vegetables in the self-service farm shop around the clock. Combine the shopping trip with a visit to the sculpture park. Free entrance.





After a long corona break, in 2022 we finally have the opportunity to invite guest artists to Lavangsnes Wunderkammer again. We look forward to welcoming Ties Ten Bosch and Paul Pretzer to us this summer!



Ties Ten Bosch - June 2022


Paul Pretzer - August 2022





Inspection with the agricultural office in the area of Lavangsnes Wunderkammer. From the sea through steep forest and old hayfields to a bog at 350 meters above sea level Here there are many hidden treasures, and opportunities for the location of works to discover! Thanks for the trip!

Photo: Ingeborg Nygaard




In Lavangsnes Wunderkammer sculpture park, a new installation lies in a cave under the snow, waiting to sprout and become visible in the spring. This summer and autumn we have - with the good help of some woolly pigs - dug up an experimental field with 12 new Jerusalem artichoke varieties, which will be tested here in the north. 


The project is a collaboration with Bi-O (, which deals with variety development of Jerusalem artichokes to find varieties with day neutrality and plain shape, which are adapted to the growing conditions in our latitudes.


Lavangsnes Wunderkammer houses and accompanies the gourd plants in an installation in the sculpture park, while they work to find a new form - like an artist in residence.








The construction process to upgrade the old school at Lavangsnes with an adapted entrance and toilet is now underway. The project is supported by the Culture Council and a collaboration between Lavangsnes Wunderkammer and Lavangsnes Grendelaget.

We are looking forward to having the opportunity to make arrangements to increase the cultural offer at Lavangsnes.

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Since summer 2021, there have been Old Norse sheep, which keep the area around the sculptures passable. In addition to grass and bushes, they also eat seaweed on the shore.








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Salangen biennale 2021. temporary outdoor art exhibition in the ruins of Salangsverket with works by 16 artists from Norway and abroad.

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First inspection of Salangsverket. Here we plan Salangen biennale, an outdoor exhibition of contemporary art in the ruins og an 100 year old iron mill .

11. - 13. Juni 2021

The project is a cooperation between Lavangsnes Wunderkammer og Ann-Lisbeth Stiberg. Salangen biennale is founded by KORO.






Light in the old town hall,  Salangen Herredshus, at Sjøvegan.




Adam Sébire, australian filmmaker, visited Lavangsnes Wunderkammer, to make a film about our mandatory waffle baking.





The artist Laura Massmann has been in Lavangsnes as artist in residency for one month and worked on a stone sculpture for the Lavangsnes Wunderkammer sculptureparc. The unveiling was celebrated with a speech, coffee and waffles.






When? Saturday 8th of February - Sunday 9th

of February 2020 from 9.00 - 18.00 o'clock
We pick you up at REMA Sjøvegan Saturday and

Sunday at 9.00 o'clock
We bring you back to REMA Sjøvegan Saturday

and Sunday at 18.00 o'clock

Where? Lavangsnes. Atelier at the old school house.

What will we do? What is art? If it's not drawing, a painting or a sculptur? That is what we are going to find out togehter on a weekend at the atelier a Lavangsnes.  We will get to know different things and combine them to something new.

Who can participate? Children from 9 to 11 years (maximum 6).

What does it cost? The course is for free. We serve food and drinks.

How to sign on? Get in contact with Hilde Løvberg: / 90250805 until Thursday, 6th of February.

Do you have any questions or need more information?
Call Selma or Vidar: 48395083 / 90835811 or
look at:
Instagram: @lavangsnes_wunderkammer




The artwork FRAME WITH VIEW from Katina Rank and the forest around the piece was lightened by christmas lights and a generator in winter 2019.





The ice breakes and floats across Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.





The artist Dominik Schäfer is standing on a blue box in landscape.

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