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BETA - still under construction

picture: Paul Pretzer
Welcome to this online shop for art and other essentials produced at and connected to Lavangsnes Wunderkammer and our interdisciplinary concept.
Since 2022, we are working on the development of strategies for the rental and sale of artworks and performances, as well as the sale of editions, which are conceptually located in the intersection between art and other realities, locally produced agricultural products as offsprings of Lavangsnes Wunderkammer.
We collaborate with our artist residents in this project. And, for a pilot project, we were supported by the Creative Industries support from the Norwegian Cultural Council.
This shop will in concept and through its products, give you the opportunity to experience and value art, agriculture and the creators behind it.
Artist-in-residence Paul Pretzer in the studio at the old school. He is one of our consultants to develop strategies for the sale and lending of art and other necessities, which are produced at Lavangsnes Wunderkammer

picture: Lavangsnes Wunderkammer
Artothèque - rent an art work
Lavangsnes Wunderkammer loans out the art works from the collection. With this libary alike service, we offer you to have an artwork at your home, the office, for an effordable price. And it you want to change it into another object,
Are you interested? Please contact us and we will find the fitting piece and renting-conditions for you.
See some of the available art works here:
Lavangsnes Wunderkammer is a place where art, architecture and agriculture meets. We and our residents are working on editions, small series of works, representing the combining of those fields.
In this cathegory you find for eksample eat-art, as original-farm-product-packaging, smaller works and prints.
Performances are part of our artistic practice. Performance art is a huge field. We work with performance as a possibility to give the audience experience of art in different context - also as part of their daily live.
Rent our performances, as an artistic service and happening - at your office, garden, home or wedding.